April Tech Round-Up: Crashes, Contagion and Innovation

As the Tech Meltdown of 2022 rolls into 2023, contagion has spread to the banking sector. With new dominos still likely to fall, markets are nervous. This month we dive into past crashes and provide some clues on what to expect - including the wave of innovation spawned when things go awry.

Enjoy, from all of us at North Ridge Partners

(Image by Dall-E 2: “sketch of a NASDAQ crash and liquidity crisis”).

Original Thinking From North Ridge Partners

Bank contagion following the failure of SVB is the latest domino to fall in the unfolding tech sector meltdown that has seen funding sources dry up and tech companies battening down the hatches. However, from a longer-term perspective this looks a lot like the last Tech Wreck, and the one before that - not just in terms of wealth lost, but also in opportunities emerging.

  • Click to read about the Tech Wreck: Financial crises are more akin to droughts than meteorite strikes; they tend to be regular occurrences common across decades and reflect a cycle rather than random catastrophic events. We’ve been here before and the patterns are very familiar.

  • Click to read about innovation in a downturn: The GFC and the earlier dotcom crash sent markets into sharp reverse, but they each also ushered in new waves of technological innovation. It’s happening again.

  • Click for this month’s minicast: This month Peter Hynd, Fiona Robertson and John Moore draw on lessons learned in previous downturns and predict what comes next.

  • Click for some bull and bear tunes: half a dozen songs about making it (and losing it) to keep your life in balance!

Big Tech

Troubles at Tik Tok

Asia Pacific Tech News

SVB, Banking Contagion and What it all Means

Other Stuff

North Ridge Partners: technology investment banking across the Asia Pacific

North Ridge Partners works with technology companies across the Asia Pacific to achieve transformational outcomes through providing strategic financial advice, advising on M&A transactions and raising capital services. We’re experienced deal makers who have built, run, and sold numerous technology companies.

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